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can cut our stress -- and so have more energy -- because business opportunity make money at home avoid many of the characteristic problems of life in the late 20th-Century office. We must work these advantages to our profit. 3. Your International Headquarters The German philosopher Immanuel Kant said that if you sit at home alone at your empty kitchen table, moneymaker, business opportunity make money at home moneymaker, the "whole world will come to you." Well, moneymaker, today you don't need the great mind of a philosopher to make the entire world come into your living room. What you need is a phone jack. We live in a unique time in history. Satellites, moneymaker, fiber optics, moneymaker, the integrated circuit and other communications miracles means that you can be just about anywhere in the developed world business opportunity make money at home establish communication with anyone. The telephone, moneymaker, the fax machine, moneymaker, the computer, moneymaker, the modem -- all of these are not only affordable by any middle-class citizen; they are the key to eliminating your need to drive a hectic freeway everyday to get to a place of business outside your home. With these devices at business opportunity make money at home disposal, moneymaker, we should allow ourselves to "think globally." Too often, moneymaker, home-based businesses focus on the narrowest market, moneymaker, the neighborhood, moneymaker, the business opportunity make money at home moneymaker, the city or state. This is fine if you are providing a local service and are content with a certain moderate level of income.


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